"You look like a 1920's coal miner who was caught in a terrifying cave in, but was rescued pretty soon after so you're not all that miffed about it."

"You look like a 1920's coal miner who was caught in a terrifying cave in, but was rescued pretty soon after so you're not all that miffed about it."

A Bit about a ben

At his first agency, Ben was told by his Executive Creative Director that he was hired for his “unique perspective” and “distinct tone of voice,” and if he ever became a “boring ad guy” she “would hunt him down and kill him.”

Taking that threat to heart, Ben always strives to have a little fun with his writing and looks for as many places to sneak some personality into as possible.

Most of Ben’s professional work was created with his Art Director, Justin Platnar.

Check out Justin’s portfolio at JustinPlatnar.com